The Positive Family Experience

The Positive Family Experience

The Positive Family Experience

We believe that families should be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families can suffer from strain and family members feel isolated and unappreciated.

For this reason we created our official MeetUp group, named “The Positive Family Experience” with the aim to make everyday life in the household a positive family experience and to restore any member of the household going through behavioral issues or difficulties in life.

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Our MeetUp events will consist of providing support through workshops based on parental and life skills, financial and time management; sharing real life experiences.

In our first event we will invite a well known family therapist who will hold a workshop and presentation on how to strengthen family bonds and improve the communication in the household.

Shortly after, we will invite nutritionists and counsellors to give advice in order to increase the wellbeing for all individual members.

If you want to strengthen your family bonds and enhance the communication in your household, you are more than welcome to join us following this link

Are you ready to become an ‘annoying adorable’??

Stay tuned for upcoming news…

Halloween Carwash Bonanza

Halloween Carwash Bonanza

What a wonderful weekend! Good times with good food, sunshine and fundraising at the Carwash in Erith.
The Halloween Carwash Bonanza was great, the atmosphere was very joyful with the staff wearing their costumes and Amethyst’s staff going around the place to explain people our mission, even the customers were happy to help and definitely enjoying the Bonanza.
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It’s beautiful to see how people can work together for a good cause and that’s exactly what happened on Saturday.
In fact the event turned into a collaboration when some of our members joined in with the washing in order to help the carwash staff!
Moreover the carwashers did a brilliant job and got really involved in the event with their masks and capes. It was a very good show!!
During the day we had some trouble with the barbecue and couldn’t get it to light properly until the show was nearly over, however, in true Amethyst style no one was discouraged and it turned into a challenge to see who could light the barbecue first.
We also had many laughs when the owner of the Carwash, fixed Johnny (our friendly inflatable skeleton 180 cm high) to his drone and made it fly all over the place for a few minutes… We filmed it whilst the device filmed us from the sky – It was unbelievable!!!
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Last but not least we really want to say a huge Thank you to the carwash staff for the patience and participation, and especially to all of those who came at the Bonanza to support us, you are awesome!!!
Stay tuned for the next event, where we’ll be waiting for all of you….

Contact Details

Engine House Bexley,
2 Veridion Way. Erith.
DA18 4AL.
Telephone; +44208 3201044.

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